Monday, September 28, 2009

My old Videos

Street Fighter Alpha 3. Ken vs M.bison2

Street Fighter 3rd strike tournament

Friday, September 25, 2009

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Brief Introduction:

Akuma is powerful demonic fighter have also earn a title of Master of Fists or Master of Dark Hadou. He has red hair and eyes, wears prayer beads around his neck having sign of ten or tian in it,a charcoal graish blue dōgi and a piece of twine around his waist in lieu of an obi. The kanji 'tian' or ten
meaning "sky", "heaven", or "providence" can be seen on his back when it appears during certain win animations. Shin Akuma's or Shin Gouki's appearance is very similar to Akuma's for example in the Street Fighter Alpha series, Shin Akuma had a purple gi instead of a gray one and marginally lighter skin tone but using Dark Hadou aka Satsui no Hadou energy more and not hold back his power.
He was once a good person but corrupted by the lust or his desire to become strong allow the influence of Satsui no Hadou and throw his humanity. In arena he didnot accept the difference between relatives, friends and foes. He also kill those who try to stop him from his path. Like he murder his fosterfather and sensi Goutetsu, and even he nearly killed his own elder brother Gouken.
He also seek death matches with powerful fighters like Gen, great evil people who claim to top ones or be very strong and ussually killed them. Main example is that he killed M.bison also known as vega in Street fighter 2 tournaments.
He take great interest in Ryu and want him to become successor of his art since Ryu has a same dark energy he, his brother and ancestors had. And it also appear Ryu is somehow related to him( most probably he might be his father since Gouki reaction towards him different from other people and between them many battles took place but Gouki never tried to kill him only always giving him parentally advice).

Trademark Killing Move:

His trademark finishing move is Shun Goku Satsu known also known Instant Hell Murder. It is considered as one of the strongest moves in the Street Fighter series although in games its true version never been showed. But according to myth and story wise , user drive their opponent towards hell where demons do thousand instant attacks on the victim's soul and body. The move damage depends on ones deeds. The more evil deeds the more painful death will comes to them. Although in this lethal technique user own life is also in jeopardy.